Let Me Tell You About Wiki

Thaddeus "Tad" Becker is the host of Let Me Tell You About, its subseries Noyz Boyz, Best Boyz, Questions of the Month/No Stupid Questions, and Somewhat Accurate History, and Revival. He appears in every episode of each.

Tad is known for his undying devotion to the popular webcomic, Homestuck, and his equally undying hatred for Andrew Hussie. The comic is infamous for having been a catalyst in the creation of the podcast, as the podcast was originally birthed from Tad's longing for something more as during the comic's death rattle.

He got married to his longtime girlfriend, "Salty," on April 22nd of 2018. Deciding on a small reception, he asked his stepfather, Jeremiah Higgins, to preside over the marriage, to which he agreed.

He also streams on twitch.tv with the name "LMTYA", typically before episodes are put on YouTube.


Being a man who's witnessed the majority of Homestuck in real time, as well as someone working minimum wage while going to school, Tad is no stranger to sudden, severe disappointment. Despite this, he maintains a joking, "funny boy" attitude which he uses to keep up dialogue with cohosts and guests.


Tad is a fan of the webcomic Homestuck, (it's his constant bliss) going as far as to make six episodes on the subject. In every episode, there is at least one reference in some form, whether it's when the comic started as code, or directly mentioning characters or plot points of the comic. Tad has stated that he has read the comic in its entirety three times over. He has had one guest on the podcast directly related to Homestuck, one of the musicians, R!J Lake, where they discussed the comic, his music, and his other projects.


  • Unbeknownst to many fans, Tad is a fan of "Dungeons and Dragons" as well as Roleplay in general.
  • During a livestream of "Tails Gets Trolled" where users would voice specific characters, Tad interjected, demanding to voice the Troll King, and then left without elaboration.
  • Tad vehemently denies that his name is short for anything, claiming his parents named him after one of Abraham Lincoln's sons.
  • Eagle-Eyed Listeners would of course realize this is a lie, as Tad knows that if Hussie gets his full government name, it's all over.
  • He has starred in "Butcher the Bakers" as "Background character #12."
  • He is known to enjoy "Girlfriend Jelly."
  • As of 5/28/2021 Tad has said "Booba" in the official LMTYA Discord 3 times, whereas former Cohost Aleks said it 26 times. This officially made Tad the "Booba Beta" at the time. Upon finding out about this, Tad spammed "Booba" 25 times in the General Chat, in a vain attempt to gain Booba Supremacy.
  • Tad has stated on multiple occasions about how much he despises "Banjo and Kazooie".
  • Tad has showed his credit card info on stream at least 4 times.